Transforming Care Together
Three Critical Areas of Need
1. Acquire Life-Saving Diagnostics in Diagnostic Imaging, Laboratory & Surgical Services
Every year, with donor support CMH invests in diagnostic tools and new technologies that ensure we continue to offer the best care possible to the residents of our rural community. With your help, we will purchase equipment and technologies needed to provide quicker, better and safer diagnosis, enhance and expand the care provided, attract and retain skilled medical professionals, reduce wait times, improve the health of our patients and save lives.

New CT Scanner: Like many other professions, healthcare providers need the very best tools to successfully and efficiently complete their tasks but unlike other professions, using outdated technology or worn-out tools can have a serious impact on a patients’ diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.
Every year over 5,000 patients require a CT Scan at Campbellford Memorial Hospital. These scans help our medical team make accurate diagnosis for things like heart disease, cancer, internal bleeding, joint and bone problems and much more. When the CT Scanner was installed in January 2010, Campbellford Memorial Hospital was the smallest hospital in Ontario to have this life-saving diagnostic tool. Since then CT’s have become a standard of care for almost every hospital.
After 13 years, the current CT Scanner is aging and desperately needs to be replaced. To maintain the best possible Diagnostic Imaging technology in the CMH service area, the Foundation must raise $2 million to cover the capital cost for the CT Scanner replacement and installation and Clinical Information System Supports.
Laboratory Update: The Laboratory services are an integral part of the CMH health care team. Up to 85% of decisions about your diagnosis and treatment are based on laboratory test results. In the course of its work, the Lab uses a variety of complex instruments to analyze samples of tissue, blood and other body fluids. Having the right laboratory equipment is essential in helping physicians make the right decisions for patients.
During the Transforming Care Together Campaign funds will be raised to replace several pieces of Laboratory equipment, including the Hematology Analyzer, 35 Degree Incubator, Centrifuge Specimen Processor, Stainer, Blood Analyzer and more.
2. Replace Critical Patient Care Equipment in the Emergency Department, Inpatient Unit & Pharmacy
Patient-focused Care: Timely care and intervention as well as patient safety motivate and inspire our efforts to continually excel for our patients and to meet their daily needs. To ensure our hospital remains vibrant it must be equipped to take care of our patients with respect, dignity, compassion, and that we can address care requirements with the proper medical tools.
During the Transforming Care Together Campaign we will be raising funds for the purchase of priority medical equipment necessary to meet the increasing demand and improve patient care at CMH, including beds, stretchers, defibrillators and a cardiac telemetry monitory system.

3. Invest in Transforming Technologies
Advanced Technological Solutions: CMH put patients first by introducing a new integrated clinical information system (CIS) that is dramatically transforming the delivery of local healthcare. A joint undertaking linking seven area hospitals over fifteen sites, the new clinical information system is the electronic record of a patient’s information while being cared for at the hospital. Authorized hospital clinicians, including nurses and physicians, as well as staff in the laboratory, pharmacy, diagnostic imaging, nutrition and rehabilitation, collaborate on a shared record to coordinate care for a patient.

The new CIS system, known as EPIC, is in operation at all the partner hospitals, important pieces of information are automatically compared and presented to the clinicians to help them make better decisions, which means better care and better outcomes for patients. This investment in new transforming technology has:
- Improved patient safety by ensuring quick access to an accurate medical history
- Decreased potential for adverse drug events or medication errors
- Reduced repetition of information for patients visiting multiple departments and/or hospitals
- Use better data to support accurate diagnosis, recommended treatment, and patient education
- Improved communications with and between clinicians
- Reduced duplication of both imaging and tests
Donations to the Transforming Care Together Campaign can be made in the following ways:
Mailing a cheque to the CMH Foundation, 146 Oliver Road, Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
Securely online at www.givetocmh.ca
Via E-transfer to foundation@cmh.ca
Using a credit card and call Angela at 705-653-1140 ext. 2107, Catherine at 705-653-1140 ext. 2104 or John at 705-632-2014
Contacting the CMH Foundation to discuss other arrangements.
For more information, please call
John Russell, CFRE
Campbellford Memorial Hospital Foundation
(705) 772-2669 (cell) OR (705) 632-2014 OR jrussell@cmh.ca